IHACPA Summit 2024

Sydney, Australia | 2 - 3 July 2024

Michael Pervan

Chief Executive Officer, IHACPA


    Professor Michael Pervan commenced as the Chief Executive Officer of IHACPA on 1 February 2023.

    Prior to this appointment, Prof Pervan was Secretary of the Department of Communities Tasmania. Prof Pervan is:

    • Professor of Health Services, University of Tasmania (since 2018)

    • Fellow, Australian College of Health Service Executives (2018)

    • National Councillor, Australian Health and Hospitals Association (2009 – 2019)

    • Board Member, Australian Health Care Reform Alliance (2009 – 2019).

    As Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services Tasmania, Prof Pervan was responsible for designing and implementing major health sector and organisational reforms.

    Prof Pervan has represented Western Australia and Tasmania at the Australian Health Ministers Advisory Council and at Council of Australian Governments working groups on system reform, health workforce and mental health over a number of years.

    This has included leading financial governance initiatives, and implementing reform programs across health, human services, child protection, out of home care, youth justice and ambulance services as part of his role at the Department of Health and Human Services Tasmania.